Madison Park
Carve out time for you at our newest 24hr Pottery location opening early February!
More details about open studio, workshops, and membership at this studio location will be released soon. Follow us on social media to watch the build of your pottery studio!
Membership Options
Enthusiast Membership
10 hours per month
$172 + tax
Mainstay Membership
Unlimited access
$292 + tax
Cant wait until February to create
Non-members are welcome to join us on select days for open studio sessions.
Enjoy a 10-day turnaround for items created during your visit, along with access to a wide range of glazes to make your work truly stand out.
Interested in joining a workshop?
You do not need to be a member to jump in on all the fantastic workshops we offer across Seattle!
We are conveniently located and only:
Near interstate 520, Madrona Park,